DOX is the leading European magazine on documentary filmmaking.
The magazine is dedicated entirely to cover all aspects of the documentary genre.
With DOX you will get an insight into the work of leading documentary filmmakers, new ways of distribution and production possibilities, reflexions on new formalistic and aesthetic developments, reviews of significant new films and a platform for discussion. It contains everything from special features, personal POV’s, short and long reviews, thematic focuses, essays and current reports.

DOX is released 4 times a year and has been published since 1993.
A full year’s subscription to DOX is 28 Euro/210 DKK with a 14 Euro/105 DKK addition for shipping and handling. Total price is 42 Euro/315 DKK.

DOX is supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union
This project has been funded with support from  the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the  author, and the Commission cannot be held  responsible for any use which may be made of the information published here.

Editorial policy
DOX is an independent international magazine committed to stimulate a progressive and informative dialogue on documentary film, film making and film viewing.

©2014 by DOX/EDN
No part of this material may be reproduced without the publisher’s permission.

The production of DOX Magazine is possible with the support of Danish Film Institute.
