» Harassment of Bulgarian filmmakers must come to a stop

In Bulgaria the film, Uncle Tony, Three Fools, and the Secret Service, about one of Bulgarias most treasured animation directors and his relationship with the former Bulgarian secret service, has been a major audience succes. The film has managed to draw large numbers of Bulagians to their local cinemas for screenings. But despite this the filmmakers have recived harsh criticism,  and – in some cases – harassment – both from institutions and colleagues, who should serve to protect and encourage filmmakers such as the team behind Uncle Tony, Three Fools, and the Secret Service. Despite their recent nominations by the Film Academy for the award as best director and best film, they were cut out of the race without any legimate explanation. Along the same lines, their co-producer, the national TV, has also withdrwan support from the film.

Uncle Tony or Anthony Trayanov worked as an animator in collaboration with caracaturist and secret service informer Donio Donev. The director/producer team states: “Donio Donev is perhaps the bestknown name of Bulgarian cinema but he was also an informer for the Secret Service whose dossier was made public when he applied to become an MP in 2003. While this isnʼt a secret to anybody his relatives are still powerful enough to be able toinfluence institutions and demand this film to be banned.”

EDN director states: “I am horriefied to see how Mrs Mileva and Mrs Kazakova are being mistreated and abandoned by people and institutions that should be honoured to support them in their fight for democracy and free speech, but in stead allow themselves to be used as pawns in a disgraceful game of destruction. The currect situation is seriously threatining the psychical health of both Mrs Mileva and Mrs Kazakova. EDN will use all the means at its disposal to bring the news about this shameful situation to the social, political, and cultural circles in Europe, asking them to take action.“

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