» Letter by ArtDocFest:This Russia Feels Ashamed

Dear friends!

We, the team of ArtDocFest – festival for Russian-spoken creative documentaries – want to bring to your attention the letter of Russian filmmakers sent in response to a letter and video-address of luminaries of film and theatre of Ukraine. Dear friends and colleagues! It is with great pain that we have read your letter and listened to your video address. You are justly bringing to our attention the unprecedented anti-Ukrainian campaign launched by the Russian mass media, and of the mass people’s uprising against the infamous Yanukovich regime. We share your contempt as to the lies and distorted coverage of the momentous events in the Ukraine, and all the more so we are against Russian military intervention in the Ukraine. There are so many ties that bind us, so that we cannot fall to the botched propaganda. Therefore our answer is laconic and straightforward: Don’t doubt us. We side with the truth, and we are with you! To this day the letter has been signed with 120 signatures.

The ArtDocFest team sides with the stand, expressed in the letter, and confirms its solidarity with the Ukrainian people and our Ukrainian colleagues, who advocate the ideals of freedom. We call on our colleagues abroad that they remember: Russia – is the land of Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, Pasternak, Vertov, Tarkovsky: This Russia is not dead. And this Russia feels ashamed.

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